Monday, November 21, 2011

Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network

If you like jQuery like I do, here is a library hosted by Microsoft  that might help. 
"The Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network (CDN) hosts popular third party JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and enables you to easily add them to your Web applications. For example, you can start using jQuery which is hosted on this CDN simply by adding a <script> tag to your page that points to"

Read More here !

Sunday, October 16, 2011

SharePoint Developer Tools you must have

Okay these are just the ones I have used and liked. I am sure they are countless others out there.
  1. SPDisposeCheck   is a tool that helps developers and administrators check custom SharePoint solutions that use the SharePoint Object Model helping measure against known Microsoft dispose best practices. This tool may not show all memory leaks in your code and may produce false positives which need further review by subject matter experts. 
  2. U2U Caml Query Builder  Helps you build your CAML Queries. very handy.
  3. Stramit SharePoint 2007 Caml Viewer This generates CAML based on the views you have set up on your SharePoint List.
  4. WSPBuilder (SharePoint WSP tool) for building Features 
  5. .NET Reflector   is a class browser, decompiler and analysis tool for .NET, that allows you to navigate, search, disassemble and analyze .NET components.